Tomorrow (actually today by the hour on the clock), I get my 4th infusion of Novantrone, AKA, "Blue Dye #24"...this is the first in my series of chemo sessions I am looking FORWARD to having the poison infused into my veins. I am really hoping once the drug kicks in, it will put the stopper on this bubbling relapse I have been experiencing...wish me luck.
Naked people...yes, I DID make it in to work today. I felt markedly improved from my Sunday morning maybe-I'm-coming-down-with-something experience and "bucked" up to return to my job. My job is ALWAYS interesting...we have an unspoken understanding in my office. If we didn't see anyone naked in the day, well...perhaps we really WEREN'T at work! And today, like many days, there were naked people in it. It's rather odd how I just accept this as routine...kind of scary, too.
My cat, AKA, Princess O' Darkness, has been engaging in peculiar behaviors...she has begun to sit and stare at me...not unlike a lion eyeing a piece of prey. She will sit and stare at me for many minutes at a time, not moving, trance-like, eyeballing me. What's up with that? What IS she thinking? Why is she doing this? Should I be concerned? Should I be fearful I may awaken one morning with half my face missing? These are just the random thoughts I have been having. LOL
So, as you can see, I have little to write (Duh!)...but I CAN suggest if you haven't already done a drive by on Bubbie's blog today, you do so...she (with far more insight and talent than I!) has written a most excellent post today about grief/MS/life...very much worthy of the "click" http://bubbiesblog.blogspot.com/2007/10/acceptance.html...a far better use of your time than continuing to read on this page...LOL...
One of my best friends is doing the blue dye job(not like my 100yr old aunt's)too. It is not easy. She is about a year into it, no huge difference. I wish you both get what you hope for from it. I think your cat knows you are going through a new thing. Cats are very sensitive. You are in the Picasso Blue period. Naked people? Fremont? I need to get out more.
naked people! If I didn't know your profession I might think you were at what Bubbie's hubby calls a "titty bar"!
as far as your kitty, she's looking at your aura...perceptive feline. (maybe it's blue)
thanks for the praise...don't know that it's THAT deserving but i needed to write it.
I know exactly what you mean about your cat staring at you...my dog will sit as still as a statue and stare at me. She does this when she wants to be brushed because she gets a treat afterwards. Pretty smart. She'll start by sitting in the middle of the room. Then she'll move closer and then she'll jump up in my lap and put her face directly in mine. I think she's saying "Can you see me now?"
sending luck wishes for the blue dye #24. i use a totally different blue juice for me mice & we call it "ecto-kooler" (aka sodium pentobarbitone) like that kid's kool-aid drink based off the ghostbusters or at least it was available when I was a kid, who knows what they drink now a days!
LOL...My cat really DOES believe she is human, so maybe I should give her a paint brush and try to make a profit from her?!?
Oh, contrare on the praise, Wise One! But if it helps to simply reduce my sentence as a statement of FACT, then do so...LOL
This is just such new and bizarre behavior for her...and a bit unnerving to sudden "feel" the eyes of the world upon me!
You know, I was always told NEVER to drink the Kool-Aid...but I think that was for very different reasons!
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