There are a few from when I was just a mere babe (one, where I am chewing on an Elmer's Glue bottle...where WERE my parents?!?), a couple from grade school and high school years, and one from my crazy college days (daze). I don't remember most of these times, except the more recent ones...I "appear" in the pictures to be a well-adjusted child. LOL
What I DO recall is a time BEFORE MS...a time BEFORE job careers, a time BEFORE the allure of achieving financial stability, a time BEFORE I just accepted the world at face value, a time BEFORE I had the wisdom to know when to keep my mouth shut, a time BEFORE thinking outside of the norm was considered socially unacceptable.
I rather miss those wild times of unbridled spirit...I kind of miss being small enough to lie naked on my mother's countertop, too...and not CARE that I was butt-up to the wind!...LOL...
Oh to look back on those days...I often reflect back on my childhood and think how easy life was then. Then it never fails that my mind takes me through all the idiotic crap I've done and I can't help but wonder how I turned out as "normal" as I did. On a side note...nowadays, if our parents took a picture like that and had it developed, the police would be knocking on their door.
I have a picture of moi just like that! Only my parents didn't have glue for me to chew on. I think they forgot that part.
I too, reflect on how easy it appeared back then. It really did seem that way. MS was never heard of. First time I heard of it was when the magazine came out. MS Magazine? Gloria Stein...something?
Yep...I did worry some tortured child molesting freak might find the picture "titilating"...but then again, it IS of me, so I'm not all that worried. LOL
The "back in the days" mode...before MS...feminism was just beginning. But ELMER'S GLUE has been around since horses grew hooves!?! What were your parents thinking depriving you of this!!!
I remember those days, my mom washing me in the kichen sink, I have an unbelievable(people don't believe me) memory. I remember my first day of kindergarten like it were yesterday. There was a kid who ate glue, but he was only boy in family of 10 sisters...
I remember always wanting to grow up, be 30, who knew at 33 I'd get dx MS? Oh, the irony. Do parents still take the naked butt photos? Wonder how that started...hmmm
Hmmmm memories..how 'bout getting home perms at age 6 or getting pin curls and having to sleep in them so you could get dressed up for the holiday in a fancy dress with crenilen skirt, lacy anklets and patent leather shoes, white gloves and a hat! Now curtsy...good girl. Then sit with all the adults and be still and quiet. I just LOVE going through those old pics.
I think like MISS CHRIS said, if parents ARE still taking those "butt up naked" pictures of their kids, I imagine they are doing it discretely...Oh the horrors of Political Correctness! LOL
I want nothing more from you short of "The Circus Story"!!!! Let's travel down THAT memory lane, shall we?!?
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