Sunday, October 07, 2007

Looking For 100 MS Blogs...

Here they are...100 Blogs written about or by someone with Multiple Sclerosis:

Access Denied--Living With Multiple Sclerosis
Adriana's Home
A Short In The Cord
A Stellarlife
Behind Blue Eyes

Bifurcate In The Road
BlindBeard's Multiple Sclerosis Blog
Bugs, Bikes, & Brains
Brain Angles (artwork by a PM MSer)

Brass & Ivory
Broken Clay
Bubbies Blog
Camille's MS Adventures
Can You Hear Me Now?
Caregiving: "Caregivingly Yours
Carole's MS Blog
Chain Reaction
Carnival Of MS Bloggers
Charlene Weston
Chemo Is Not A Pony
Conquer Multiple Sclerosis - Reclaiming Your Life
Curiouser And Curiouser - Life With MS
Cyndee, Family, And Living With MS
Dan And Jennifer Digmann
Dancing With MS
Darlene's Kickin' Kane Covers
Deborah Does Navel-Gazing
Diary Of MS X
Disabled Not Dead
Doug's MS Journal
Down The MS Path
Electrical Disturbance
Erik's Multiple Sclerosis & Lyme Blog
Friday's Child
Funky Mango's Musings
Good, Bad, and MS--Bald Ben
Grace_2_Wheel: My Days With MS
Grand Moments
Halt, Stop, Forget, Relax
Hazel Is In The Eye Of The Beholder
Healthtalk With Trevis
Hey-Me-Too--A-Sista-Stroll-With-Multiple Sclerosis
I'm An MS Activist
In It For The Parking
It's Not All In My Head...It's In My Spinal Cord A Little Bit Too

Jenn's Journey With MS
Jen's MS Blog
Jo Franz
Judi B's Blog/The MS Recovery Diet
Just Above The Abyss
Know Multiple Sclerosis
Lazy Dog Public House
Learning To Live With MS
Libbi's MS Journey
Life In The Slow Lane
Life On Cripple Creek
Living And Coping With Multiple Sclerosis
Living Life As A Snowflake--
Living Life With Sarcasm, Kids, and MS
Living! With MS--Denver ReFashionista
Living With MS--Lauren
Living With MS, Seeking A Cure
Living With Muttin/Jeff & Multiple Sclerosis
LJ Users With Multiple Sclerosis
Looking Forward With Multiple Sclerosis
Managing Multiple Sclerosis
Managing Multiple Sclerosis With Tai Chi: A Firsthand Account
Mandatory Rest Period
Mark And MS
Maybe I'm Just Lazy: One Woman's Journey Through Life And MS
Messy Stuff: A Life With MS And Other Ramblings
MS Caregivers
MS Dissonance
MS Maze - A Layperson's Guide Through The Maze That Is Multiple Sclerosis
MS My Way
MS Not Just A Diary
MS Strength
MS Support Network
Multiple Sclerosis Real Life Stories & Issues
Multiple Sclerosis--Tovaxin Phase llb Trial
Multiple Synchronicities & Sclerosis
My Autoimmune Life
My Complications
My Demyelination
My Journey - Living Well With MS
My Journey With Multiple Sclerosis - Kelley
My Journey With MS by Some Nameless Chick
My Journey With MS--Kimberly
My Life And Dealing With MS
My MS Experience
My Story Of Life With Lyme And MS
My MS Journal
Navigating The Journey Of MS
New On Tysabri
No Empire No More
No Time For MS
Object Of My Injection
One Crazy Chick
OzMS - Multiple Sclerosis Bloggers
Pedestrian Crossing
Penelope Smith Living With MS
Perspective Is Everything
Philip's Disabled Help Blog (non-MS, but well worth the read)
Planning The Unpredictable--Living With Multiple Sclerosis
Post Cards Of My Life
Reality Check
Room With A View
Run To LIve: A "normal" Life With Multiple Sclerosis
Say It Isn't So
Splodge On The Blogscape
Stu's Views And MS Related News
Sunshine and Moonlight
Surviving Multiple Sclerosis In Alaska
Tainted Kernel
Taking Control Of Multiple Sclerosis
The Barber Three
The BS of My MS
The Gimp Chronicles: Shade-Stealing Crips
The Great NetXperiment!
The MonSter Ate My Branes!
The Lemon-Aid Stand
The Life And Times Of Sancho Knotwise
The Multiple Sclerosis Companion
The Nervus Rex
The Perseverant Pincushion
The Zen Pretzel Trick
Travels With Lucy
Troy's Multiple Sclerosis Experience
Trying To Imagine Bliss
Vern's MS Fight
Vicki's Blog
Victoria Plum--Technician!
White Lightening Axiom: Redux
Word Salads, The Demyelination Of Me
YodaMamma MS & More


Anonymous said...

Hi there!

I found this one when researching an article for the local paper. It is by a husband who is a caregiver to his wife who has MS. He has some interesting blogs and you may want to consider inclusion to get to your 100. The site is "Caregivingly Yours" at

You might want to leave a note on his blog if you decide to include him. Anne

harkoo said...

Oh my god and I haven't even had my coffee yet. I still haven't responded yet to your sleeping in the same bed with your first patient and now I see I have to come up with something clever to say to Bubbie about being in the circus. (I think you have met your match!) Hope you are feeling better.

harkoo said...

A very intelligent blog on disability issues/MS is


Thanks, Anne! I'll add it now...




Thanks, Joyce! I'll add it now...and as far as BUBBIE being in the circus, I too, am anxiously awaiting THIS story! LOL


Diane J Standiford said...

I get good legislative activity info from this blog:
"I'm an MS Activist"

Dig your blog! A Stellarlife-

Have Myelin? said...

OMG, I don't have enough myelin to comprehend 100 blogs....

Miss Chris said...

Dang girl! You sure are organized...

Sara said...

damn girlfriend you been BUSY!!

btw tipp-ex is what we american's call white-out, not nearly as exciting as i reckon you were hoping for, but hey ya never know when it will be a jeapordy question :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting my blog. Nice to find you here!

Unknown said...

Thank You for including my journal, I am honored.

Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

Troy said...

Thanks for the list. I have most of these already on my blogroll but it's nice to have some more to add. At the risk of actually having someone read it, I have a blog about my MS as well.

Troy said...

At the risk of having someone actually read it, I humbly submit my MS blog. I have most of these others but it's nice to have them all in one spot. Thanks a lot.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the links of blogs and posting your blog. I have MS as well. Also, I was born deaf.

Anonymous said...

I know you did this post ages ago, but I've kinda been on a bit of a hiatus from my blog... I just wanted to say thanks for blogrolling me. Mostly because it means that in future, when I have loads of time up my sleeve (... when my body says it is time to stop working..?) I'll have the links ready and waiting from my WordPress dashboard.
Thanks! - The Perseverant Pincushion

Anonymous said...

I have MS.

I blog about that and other stuff at:

Kimberly said...

You missed mine

(I'm not the namless chick )


Tracy Rambles On And On said...

I've kind of been lurking around your blog lately but I want mine listed too!
It's called "Living Live With Sarcasm, Kids, And MS" and the address is


Life in the slow lane said...

Love your blog. Thanks for your work and your humor. I'm new to this blog thing. Come visit me at I like to call it life in the slow lane.

Anonymous said...

I have MS. I also have a LiveJournal blog-alike. I sometimes post entries on that blog that are publicly viewable (rather than only visible to my LJFriends) and occasionally they are even about MS!

"The MonSter ate my branes!"

Dan and Jennifer Digmann said...

We love your blog (and provide a link to it from our Web site)!

We would be honored if you would check out our site and story and consider adding us to the blog listing on Brain Cheese.

Thanks :)

Sammy said...

Hi there! Totally loving reading the stuff here, and linked to it and others on my own blog. I can haz you include it? I like to think MS hasn't robbed my sense of humor... :)

Norma Lee @ Norma Lee Good said...

Hello Blogland! I am a new blogger!! My blog is not finished yet...probably in the next couple of days. See, instead of finishing mine I am finding all of these great sites! Thank you! I have to get back to work!!!

MS Day Dreamer said...

I'd be honored if you'd consider adding mine -

It's brand new. Just like my MS diagnosis. I'm still getting used to the idea.

I've enjoyed reading yours.

Thanks -

ken bull said...

Hello and congrats on a highly popular and informative blog. I'm in Oz, and wondered if you'd be so kind as to include my blog on the roll: ..? Thanks & best regards, KB

Anonymous said...

Now that I'm back to blogging again, I'd love to be added.

ftk said...

Hi love your site. I would love to be added to your list. I am at, I just started a week ago. Thanks

Marbles said...

Hi there - what a great site! Thank you for all your insights from a fellow MS chick. I just started blogging and would love to be included in your list!

I'm at

Thanks and be well!