Ever have one of those moments in your life when, for whatever reason, you didn't pay attention to the Cosmic Road Signs along your life path? I'm having one right now...I was driving along my "path" a little too fast and a little too oblivious and there it was:
I slammed on my Cosmic Brakes, but I think it was a bit too late...my mode of transportation in this life appears to be swerving dangerously out of control. And, if I haven't already hit that magical "wall" so many talk about, I am careening toward it at break-neck speed.
I'm really not fond of living life this dangerously close to the edge...nor am I ever prepared for a "crash"...but then again, who is?
Sorry the crash is coming. My protocol for disasters: apply the brakes, turn off the engine, steer between the trees, and just before impact, dive right with hands over face to avoid broken glass and impalement by steering column. Oh, yeah, and relax.
wear your seat belt and a crash helmet. Helmets come in handy when you feel like banging your head against that cosmic wall
Thanks for the advice...I only wish my cosmic vehicle came with airbags instead of a "windy" driver. LOL
WOW! Wish I would have solicited YOUR advice about 10 crashes ago! LOL
Good Luck with the crash, sometimes I find it helpful to have a crash or as I like to call them "reset" moments in my life where I am forced to STOP & look at what's going on & then slowly restart, but maybe that's not what you're talking about, either way hope it's going better today.
Helmets can also make one hell of a fashion statement.
That's actually VERY good advice...a bit techno-geeky, but VERY good advice. LOL Thanks...hitting the reset button now...
In my world, they usually signal a SEIZURE DISORDER!!! LOL
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