Yes, it's true...there's a new S.L.U.T. in town. The brand-spankin' new South Lake Union Trolley! And her acronym is causing a bit of controversy.
It seems the fine (albeit, a bit quirky) South Lake Union community "somehow" overlooked it's lovely new trolley's name (Yeah, right! And I've got some desert property in my back yard here in the rain forest to sell ya!) and folks are lining up to weigh in on this uh...well...politically incorrect name. Or at least that's what all the stir is about...we just CAN'T have a new girl in town called a "slut".
I'll tell you what? I'm off work tomorrow and, if it's the last thing I do breathing and living on this earth, I WILL ride the SLUT!!! And then, I'm going to buy myself one of the T-shirts some highly entrepreneur-type dude is selling that says, "I rode the S.L.U.T".
Ah...there IS something to live for...LOL...
now that sounds like a fantastic plan for a day off . . . me's jealous!
LMAO! I spent 5 minutes playing with alternate names. None any better! I think you'll be stuck with the SLUT. I'd buy a T-shirt, and one of those cloth grocery bags too!
Last post was tornado's in Kansas ... now SLUTS in the emerald city ... you do not like OZ very much, do you?
Ridin' the Slut...needs to be a Seattle must, to put on a postcard to send the relatives back home!
*wheeeee, I'm riding the SLUT on my honeymoon, don't tell MOM!*
I'm sure there MUST be a SLUT in London you could ride?!? LMAO
At my age "riding" ANYTHING is rather miraculous... (but I'd get you a Tee, too, just as a bonding thangy!)
Well, except Dorothy was a "slut", too! Or was that her "little dog, too?" LOL
I imagine SOMEONE has already thought of your idea...but if not, you certainly should get dibs!
yeah I reckon there is a trolly somewheres in london, but i've yet to be on it & have no clue where it's located, so i'm just gonna live vicariously through you on this one, i'm a bus girl these days.
lol that is too funny. what were they thinking?
I love it!
A similar story: I once worked in a department and we decided to change our name to be more descriptive of our work. We spent a lot of time and care to come up with SEC (Software Engineering and Control). However, some manager higher up decided to ask the customer if it was okay, and the customer added the word Services to the end. Makes sense except that we were now SECS. We were FORCED to adopt the additional word. So we had t-shirts made saying "I work for SECS."
Some people just don't think ahead.
Sadly (or not), I am also a "bus" girl these days...but if I rode that S.L.U.T., I might just turn out to be a "bus(t)" girl!
OMG! Now THAT'S a funny corporate story!! I tend to enjoy "renaming" people and things...keeps the creative cells charged. LOL
I'd love to say, "they WEREN'T thinking...but oddly, I do "think" some highly creative and somewhat anarchist Seattlite's WERE thinking! Power to the people...LOL
Slightly off-topic (hey I have MS) but I thought it ironic that my mother named me Sherry because as a deafie, "SH" sounds are next to impossible to clearly pronounce. People say "Your name is Terry? Jerry? Cherry? Berry?"
For some reason SLUT reminded me of that. Is that word association or word disassociation? LOL!
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