You know, I NEVER realized how absolutely fabulous I appeared to other people until I started talking about how badly I have been feeling physically and emotionally as a result of my Multiple Sclerosis! I haven't had this many well-intentioned friends and acquaintances remark, "But you look so good", in response to my comments about my MS since my early 20's when I DID look dayumed good physically and didn't even HAVE MS (but they neglected to tell me that then...B-Turds!).
Maybe there really SHOULD be a Miss MS contest? Sorry fellow female MSer's...based on the latest poll, I'm gonna win hands down...cuz, well...I look so EFFING GOOD! **sarcasm intended**
Nope, I'm sorry. You can have MS.M.S. Washington, I AM MS. Florida! I look fabulous! EVERYBODY says so....LOL
Oh my gosh...I know exactly what you are saying. I don't ever know quite what to say when a well intentioned friend says "but you look so good". Haven't I always? Sheesh!
Plus there is a Miss Wheelchair America contest too. I am quite cute although I am a card-carrying AARP member. And I have just had my hair highlighted to conceal the gray so I will photograph well. I want to be the MS. M.S. Wheelchair Maine winner.
Competition, I see?!?! LOL
You got did I look like total crap BEFORE MS?!?!
You go, girl! I'd vote for you hands down...
Just carve their hearts out and feed it to them...
You've always looked good. :)
I'm Ms.Demented Copaxone.
Anyone want to fight me for that title? I look good too....*evil laugh* hehehehehehe.......
**blush, blush** Why Thank YOU! (for permission to carve out their hearts) Oh, and for the compliment, too. LOL
Are you kidding me?!? I'm not fighting you for THAT title...besides, already WON that one back when *moi* was on Copaxone! Let the queen reign...LOL
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