OK, where to begin? I'm in some kind of semi-run down hotel in Kansas City (oh, the "Kansas" connection becomes all too clear in a moment...sleazy hotel? Not so clear...LOL) and I have a huge West-facing picture window. It's a bright sunny day outside, but when I look out the window I see a gigantic, white, spinning tornado barreling down upon the city (get the Kansas connection yet, Dorothy?!?)...it's huge...maybe a mile wide. There's no audible noise like you'd usually hear with a tornado of this size (been there, done that, in REAL life on the plains of Nebraska!) and I realize NO ONE BUT ME knows it is coming!
I quickly begin racing down the long hallway of the run down hotel, pounding on doors, trying to wake people up (even though in the dream, it seems like it is already mid morning...go figure...it WAS mid morning when I was dreaming!). I'm obviously there WITH some people (who turn out to be friends from work), but I can't readily locate their rooms. I'm throwing doors open and kicking them in because...well...there's a MILE LONG WHITE TORNADO ABOUT TO HIT AND NO ONE SEEMS TO NOTICE BUT ME!!! (And since I can't disclose recent issues I have been dealing with at work UNRELATED to my MS, suffice it to say, "I'm just the messenger")
I find two of my coworkers. One of them, Julio, I have to practically beat to get her out of her bed and away from the picture windows that are in every room...she's very sleepy for some reason. I then run into a room perpendicular to the hallway and realize I'm going to have to take cover soon. So, I find a quilt my grandmother has made (and is currently folded on my REAL sofa at home! LOL), try to cover up with this, and hide under some furniture...BUT...the furniture in the room is like child's play furniture...all pink (it's because of those dayum Breast Cancer Awareness people I now dream in PINK!!) and plastic, and I realize it's not going to protect me.
For whatever insane reason, I run outdoors. It is now pitch black outside...like night fall...raining. People of the lovely town of Kansas City are trying to find shelter, scurrying about. The tornado has not yet hit town. I find shelter along side a brick building with about 10 homeless people. I now have a blue, plastic tarp in my possession AND my grandmother's quilt. I lay the tarp down in the mud and cover my head with the quilt to avoid flying debris...and...nothing...happens.
After a period of time, I uncover my face and look to the West. Completely dark...except someone is now shooting off a fireworks display...sort of like a "bat signal"...and I realize this "someone" is trying to signal that all will be OK. Instead of a bat, however, a very large fireworks dotting of lights illuminates the sky and the shape of an owl appears! (And now you know WHY I will not be discussing this with any shrink. LOL)
Eventually, the sky begins to lighten up and over saunters my coworker, Lynne...she's dressed in impeccable summer white and pastel clothing. I am covered in mud. She sought shelter AT a shelter...I have been laying outside in the rain and mud with homeless folks. She invites me to the shelter, but I know they won't take me because...well...I'm covered in mud and look homeless!
At some point, coworker, Julio, finds me (I'm also frantically trying to locate my cell phone, which has fallen out of my pocket into the mud...true story...recently DID lose my cell phone!) and the sky becomes daylight again. Myself, Julio, and about 6 homeless people line up along a brick wall to watch people returning to their homes, etc. Julio lights a cigarette and hands it to me...and then...(I am sure,much to everyone's sheer delight here on CHEESE)...I WAKE UP.
Yeah...my psyche is calm, cool, and collected right now! I look so dayum good and remain unflappable...Wonder Woman...that's me...
"RYE TA." (**Said with my best Dr. Evil voice impersonation**)
Dang girl! That's a vivid dream! I had a weird one the other night. I was on an airplane taxi-ing towards the runway. The airplane door was open and a cat was running next to it. (The door in my dream was low, like a car door.) It was my mothers cat and it had gotten out and I knew she didn't know it was lost. I was on my way to Hong Kong (???why???) and would just have to take the cat with me. Huh? I can't even begin to figure that one out. Yours seems even weirder though. lol
Don't need a degree to figure that one out. Here's hoping you get through all of this with no more than a little mud on ya.
What does it say about me that when I first saw that tornado picture I thought it looked like a giant uterus? (Don't ask me what my brain decided the lightning bolt was - I do not know!)
I have no additional value to add here, but I did have a dream last night about a friend I haven't seen or talked to in probably 8 years or more.
Maybe it's the weather changing that's causing weird dreams... :)
Thanks?!? I think, on the "'my dream is weirder" part...
Don't even really need a BRAIN to figure this one out...really...seriously...LOL
OK..the uterus image is FAR more disturbing than my dream!!! LOL
LOL. I think I may have had you beat this time in the weird dream catagory after the one I had last night...except I can't remember what it was about.
Heh ... and here I though you were posting that pic because you were going to go to a church ...
how weird I was just going to tell you how I thought your photo had something to do with laser surgery on a uterus and then as I scroll down the comments I see Zee was on the same track . . . is that smart minds thinking a like or are we both just crazy!?!?!? Me thinks the latter!
If you want to win the "prize", you have to REMEMBER your dream...then, of course, bare all to the rest of us on YOUR blog. Yes, that is the stuff "prizes" are made of...LOL
Oh, dear son...the holy water parts like the Red Sea when I enter the chapel! LOL
Or...just a thought...maybe you and Zee BOTH need to make a trip to your "guyknee-cologists"!!! (I'd definitely go with THAT idea before the "crazy" one you proposed)
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