I assume going from no feeling at all in my hands to a fiery sensation in my fingertips is a "good" thing...at least it's FEELING, right?!? This is what I woke up to this morning...a burning sensation in my fingertips.
Can't type long...it actually hurts to press the keys! But at least I can now tell where my fingers are falling...and correcting spelling errors is a REAL pain...seriously. LOL
I have considered that recovering feeling means my brain is trying to repair damage done. Whether that's true or not, I don't know. But it works for me.
Wow! Kirlian photography!
Sorry...I'm laughing/crying with ya.
Just can't win.
Hang in there.
Before getting the whole RA thing figured out, I experienced something similar to what you are describing. A couple of my fingers felt as though they were stuck in a live electrical socket. On fire!!!
Then for a time (much too long of a time) I couldn't use my fingers at all without excruciating pain. Holding pencils to write hurt. Touching things hurt. Tapping things HURT. Playing piano or typing HUURTTTT!!!! I even told the doc that part of me just wanted to cut my arms off. Thankfully I didn't do that.
I haven't felt that pain in over a year for which I am SO Thankful. I hope that you will gain some relief soon. Maybe the surgeon will know what exactly to do. Maybe some steroid injections at the source of pain in your neck. Here's hope.
Man you have some bad luck. I hope you feel better.
Oh man ... so sorry. I get that all the time and it really 'burns me up'. I use a kbd to program ... my living is dependent on my typing! Hope it clears up soon.
Maybe dipping your hand in a bowl of ice might help relieve the pain. I hope you feel better soon. Anne
OUCH! Cooling thoughts to you... but keep getting better, K?
I love the pic!
EEEK! What rotten luck!! Fingers crossed it subsides or the MDs find something to help it go away. So not cool, Cheese. :(
iT'S CAUSED by your ELECTRIFIYING PERSONALITY. It'll stop after you totally catch fire and burn yourself -- caused by stressing your MS bod to the MAX with all your home projects and double duty work schedule.
May U Rest in Peace BC -- oh...I forgot there is No Rest for D Wicked! (LMAO)
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