But alas...the truth behind the crumbling of the Bastion Of Blather is this: The cup from which I normally dip into the endless well of sewage I commonly call my "Cornucopia Of Crap" (posts here on CHEESE) is running...ah...dry. That's right. There's just only so many ways one can write and rewrite my Tales Of Trivia. **Sigh** And I KNOW this saddens each and every one of you deeply...all TWO of you who humor me by skimming these posts and leaving your little jewels of comments.
Fear NOT! The woman behind the curtain here at BRAINCHEESE (loosely described as...well...ME) has managed to light fire under the last 5 remaining brain cells she has left in the barren waste land called the Cerebrum and plot a devious plan of defense...which involves enlisting a small army of TWO (you's guys that are reading this...brace yourselves).
That's right...I'm proposing a DRAFT here in the Land O' CHEESE.
**Computer screens quickly shut down in any home currently reading this post**
Ah, yes, my little pretties! I AM suggesting YOU, my readers, (especially those of you who do not already write blogs, but have an abundance of things you'd like to say in a public forum) send an email to the Command Center here at CHEESE (that would be BrainCheeseMS@aol.com ) turning yourselves in (all TWO of you) AND offering something you have written (or WILL write) fit for posting here on BRAINCHEESE. Now, when I say "fit for posting", what that REALLY means is ANYTHING CONSTRUCTED WITH SENTENCES ABOUT ANY TOPIC YOU FIND INTERESTING THAT WOULD NOT BE DEEMED OFFENSIVE TO MY DEAD MOTHER. That's a pretty vast field for you to play in, my dearests.
I will NOT stoop so low as to begin to *name names* here...but I DO receive emails from several of you (all TWO of you) that are laced with extraordinary humor and insight on topics ranging from Multiple Sclerosis, Breast Cancer (oops! Was that too revealing PennyAnn?!? Hehe...), your lives, the lives of others, your pets (and not just your spouses...your dogs and cats, too!) and an assortment of geographically specific thoughts. I have found these emails MOST delightful and entertaining (you WERE meaning for them to entertain me, weren't you?!?), and believe each and every one of you possess what it takes to *make the cut* here at CHEESE. And THAT is as simple as being able to form more than 2-3 word sentences...
So come on now...give this tiring Cesspool Of Soul a break here! Think of something YOU think others might enjoy reading/hearing about (Yes, I AM talking to you in California, too...you KNOW who you are!) and either send the idea to me in email OR forward the piece directly to BrainCheeseMS@aol.com (just in case you were too caught off guard earlier when I posted my email addy...or planned to use the "I don't REMEMBER your email address because I have MS" card!) WITH your permission to post it. You can also forward any graphic or IDEA for a graphic you'd like to see along side your piece (excluding pornography...that's an entirely DIFFERENT blog I write) and I will try to create it.
This is EASY, Peeps! Witness how I have just created a completely MINDLESS post about getting YOU to write a post for CHEESE??? You can do it...the FUHRER O' FECES needs a break here...and besides...my streamline of sewage I call my "thoughts" is running dry. It won't be long before I have completely degenerated to a blissful brain of emptiness.
Again, that email address is...LOL...
I love it! She's passing the Cheese! Delegating authority and responsibility! Why didn't I think of that? LOL Can't wait for the cheese-coffers to fill.
It won't be long before I have completely degenerated to a blissful brain of emptiness.
You are a long way from degenerating :)...I look forward to reading the submissions.
Wait....now I'll NEVER be able to turn my miniscule corner of the MS blogosphere into a towering empire, dominant over all. Mwahaahaa.
The Head Cheese will cultivate all the baby Gouda cheeses and create a massive stinky cheese following. Already interest in the Carnival has waned, as I've only received one non-spam submission for this week's edition. Boo-hoo.
Wat su mattr? D Mice eat d cheesebrain? Princess bored with Mice so now desires a delectable chirping Peep?? Me tinks d viewrs much desire d Fearless Leader's perverted musings - No can cheat, u ear?
just sent you an email :)
even funnier just before i got your email i got a reply from "mail demon" since even though you gave us the email address not once but twice, i still managed to bugger it up - LOL - so you're really luck it arrived at all!!!!
Brain cheese. You rock!
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