Well, as luck would have it, SAVE your next planned donation to the "Society" (and use it to stimulate the economy...hehe...which reminds me. WHERE'S MY DAYUMED CHECK, GEORGE?!?"), because I had a scientific EPIPHANY this morning as I struggled to pry myself out of my bed in one, solid, board-like mass. I discovered the answer to those billboard questions...IT IS IN...MY BODY!
That's right...no more millions are needed on this particular set of research questions. Multiple Sclerosis is in MY BODY. Oh, sure...I STILL don't know what's CAUSED it to be in my body, but by God, it's there!
Pardon me for sounding a bit crass and perhaps even discounting to some of the newly diagnosed MSer's out there...but right now in this stage of my life, I really don't CARE much "where" my MS originated or why...I'm pretty much living in the here and now of "it's here". It is highly doubtful in my life time that I will ever SEE a cure for this disease (because there's too much money being made off the ILLNESS portion of it...but that's fodder for another post), so spending millions of gazillion dollars on researching the disease ORIGIN is a moot point for someone like me. Finding the "cause" will possibly prevent someone ELSE from having to live with MS, but it is doubtful this discovery will ever improve MY life WITH MS. Yep, I'm selfish that way.
**Jumps off soapbox**
Today, I woke up (actually multiple times during my restless night, too) feeling as stiff as a board. I could hardly move, let alone do a graceful dismount from my bed. I know, I know...all y'all are shaking your heads with that "I told you so" look and "tisk tisk-ing" me for overdoing it on my days off from work. And still, others of you who practice in the psych world, are wondering if I have seriously developed a strong case of "Monday morning work aversion"...otherwise known as "Blue Monday"...that mysterious employment illness that seems to strike the not-so-mentally-sound when they are forced to return to work following a weekend or holiday. It is a psychological somaticization that manifests as a physical illness, thus rendering the person incapable of going to work as expected.
Well, poo poo to all of you! I believe my current state of "board-om" is the direct result of a combination of weather pattern changes/Tysabri infusion drain/overdoing it/poor sleep. There...the "cause" STILL remains a mystery...much like the "cause" of MS.
But regardless of the "cause", just like the disease itself, I am left to LIVE WITH IT and try to make the best out of my situation. And maybe...just maybe if I try hard...I might LEARN something from the situation and do things differently NEXT time. (But I still secretly think Baby Jesus is mad because I went gambling on a Sunday, and NOW I have to pay for my transgressions. LOL)...
I've read about people getting a burst of energy after their Tysabri infusion but my hubby's experience is that he is exhausted afterward - for DAYS!
But it's working - he is walking better, his reactions are better, his memory is NOT better however! ARGH He just had his 4th dose.
You ask if it's in the weather. So I look down at your little weather widget and it says N/A.
Obviously you have hit on a weather conspiracy!
And, no, it's not selfish to want a friggin cure. I just read a study that determined that women with Breast Cancer frequently have to miss work due to doctors appointments and that this places a financial strain on many families.
It's bad enough that someone thought this was not self-evident, but to think that cold hard cash money was used to figure it out. . . .
At this point, I have no words of wisdom. Who Knows why you are having problems right now. The disease is too fickle to predict. I am very glad however that you went about your days having fun and enjoying all your friends-it was enjoyable reading about your experiences. It is NOT your nature to sit at home resting for several days when you feel well and it is Spring. Maybe being passive would have put more stress on your system and you would have had a worse outcome! Hope you can take a few sickdays and return to work refreshed!
I blame the 'soapbox' for MS. Yep, that's it!
It must be the billboards in Seattle, oh wait, none of my friends with MS were BORN here (including me) so...where DO these stats COME FROM? Wait, let me guess: big pharma.
I think blaming the Baby J is a good idea!!
Pharmaceutical companies do not want to find a cure... finding a cure for MS is like finding a cure for Cancer. We will never see it in our lifetime.
As far as I'm concerned you can get up on your soapbox any time you want! You always have good reason to be up there in the first place :)
Gambling on a Sunday? Shhh....don't tell anyone, but I was half a country away doin', ummm.....cleaning?
Get up on that soapbox dear one...giddy on up and let 'um have it! I'm right there, rootin' ya on!
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