I actually did pretty well during the treatment, except when the doctor started sticking the needles into my forehead and scalp! This came as a bit of a shock. It stung a little also. I slowly relaxed into the treatment and imagined the needles in my scalp piercing an MS lesion and sending a bolt of lightening into the area. I don't know if my imagery helped or not, but I felt somewhat in control of my destiny for a few minutes.
My friend "E" convinced me to try this new approach...she practices Qi Gong on a regular basis and got me in to see her doctor immediately, who is also the Qi Gong Master she studies under. I was a bit skeptical at first in even making an appointment...after all, I work in Western Medicine healthcare and feel somewhat of a sense of loyalty to the medicine practiced on this side of the world. I had an epiphany however, when it dawned on me I am also skeptical of medical practices and medicines HERE in the USA! I realized I don't have high hopes or trust in ANY practice of medicine, so why not try something a bit more ancient than Prozac.
So far, I don't feel any difference in the pain level in my body today...my annoying friend is still here in my body trying to steal my joy. I have a $40.00 bag of Chinese herbs, which I have been instructed to take 3 times a day for "circulation and arthritis" (at least the herbs seem cheaper than Prozac). It appears even in China one has to remember to take their medicine throughout the day...I'm not keen about doing this in ANY country!
The doctor was nice enough. I didn't understand half of what he was saying because English is a second language to him and Chinese has never been spoken by these Germanic lips. But then again, I rarely understand half of what my English-speaking, American-trained physicians say either, so what's the difference? And this doctor's handwriting in Chinese looked vaguely familiar to some of the scribbles on prescription pads I have seen my American-trained physicians scrawl out.
Perhaps there really ARE more similarities in Eastern and Western medical philosophy than anyone would like to admit...
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