Why Is That Monkey Waving At Me?...
There must still be an element of delirium gripping me tightly, even though my fever is subsiding (finally). Either that, or I have been falling asleep WAY too much on the sofa with the TV talking to me this week! I "thought" I was awake earlier today, when suddenly I realized a monkey was waving at me through a window...scared the jungle crap right outta me!!!
It took me a few minutes to realize my head was plastered to my pillow and the waving monkey was actually coming from a Saturday kid's show called, "Animal Planet" (I think)...I either need to return these new bifocals or return my BRAIN and I think the brain swap is the better deal at the moment...
Monkeys freak me out. "Hang" in there. oooo ooo oooooo oo
argh argh! It took me a few minutes, but I finally got the "hang" of what you were saying!
Clowns, monkeys, and three-legged dogs freak me out...oh, and glass eyeballs, too.
Sounds like your week was hairier than mine. Rest up. And don't swap your brain. It's too funny.
"Hairier" is in the eye of the beholder I guess...LOL YOUR week/ER visits didn't sound all that pleasant to ME!
Cheers to resting...
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