Monday, February 23, 2009

Udderly Perplexing...

So...I'm frantically skipping through my Google Alerts, trying to weed out news articles and other mundane topics in a feeble attempt to *downsize* my unread MS BLOG list to something that seems manageable (I'm now about 100 posts behind in my blog reading of all y'alls stuff!)...I mean, I seriously DO want to get caught up on your lives out there...and I begin to notice a trend in the headlines on Google regarding MS that read like this:

OF COURSE, in MY mind I thought, "Great...just great. My mother is dead and I'm a bit too old for THIS type of cure!" And I KNOW there's someone out there who went to that same potty humor place I went to...

**Yes, said blog author IS aware the articles are about MOTHER'S diagnosed with MS, who are breastfeeding babies, and NOT people diagnosed WITH MS who would benefit from a return to the matter HOW big of a boob you may take me for**


  1. My first thought was, WTF? I should suckle at some woman's breast? Bizarre the way our minds work, eh?


  2. Aww darn! I was ready to see if my mom could start lactating again. I know it has been almost 30 years since she last breast fed, but I also know she would do anything she could if it would help me. Too bad I can't start breast feeding either -- I had a total hysterectomy almost 8 years ago and my chances of getting pregnant were drastically reduced after that surgery.

  3. Hrmmm, well, I guess I'm on-board with that ... umm, yeah.

  4. totally unrelated, I love Udderly Smooth creme . . . not sure where that thought came from aside from reading your title, but just wanted to send my 2 pence worth of useless info to the pacific north west of the good old USofA, from the south-eastern, extremely old country of England!

  5. Blimey !.........

    we all went somewhere............
    started working out where I could get some and after a second or two thought hang on here !!


  6. Anonymous10:10 AM

    This intrigued me too. And I posted a smart-alecky post on another site.

    So maybe the fact that I was one of THOSE women who breastfeed their kids forever (really I swore I wouldn't be!) helped me delay relapses for awhile. Who knows, I'm mostly asymtommatic (my neuro just told me I have an "atypical case of MS"--and that's a good thing).

    BUT there is something called nervonic acid/oil that is in breast milk that helps with brain development and mylination in babies. It doesn't occur naturally in many things, some obscure "Honesty" plant. And you can't eat it cuz it has toxic things in it too.

    So there really IS the question of consuming breastmilk! A little breastmilk in your morning coffee? Start a La Leche type group for MS patients??!! :-)

    But it does make me wonder if anyone out there is doing real research on this.

  7. Um, where did you get that naked photo of my udders?.....

    The internet? Hmm?

  8. Damn! My mother fed me with a baby formula. No nervonic acid for my brain to develop correctly. She got MS later. I had no children, so I never got to breastfeed and I got MS too! Bad news all the way around--bad genes, no breastmilk to be found anywhere!

  9. So now I can blame my mother.

  10. Jen... her udders...! That has me laughing too hard to put together a coherent thought! But had to try anyway.
