Friday, December 05, 2008

White Trash Barbie Meets CEO Barbie...

Yes, it's 4:00AM Pacific Standard Time. I've spent the past 3 hours since returning home from work preparing my reams of papers and emails for a meeting tomorrow (today really) with the CEO and CFO of Club Med. That's read the line correctly. I am meeting with the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer of the health care business conglomerate I so kindly refer to as CLUB MED to discuss our "issues" we have with one another as they relate to Tysabri.

They called the meeting, I didn't. They now want to meet with me. I have no idea what their agenda is and frankly, it doesn't concern me greatly. I KNOW what my agenda is as it has not changed since August! My biggest concern is the possibility of a wardrobe malfunction, not what either party may or may not say...LOL

That's right...I'm PWT (poor white trash) and I have no *power suit*. If I were CEO Barbie, I'd have several plastic shoes and outfits to choose from. Do you suppose jeans and a T-shirt is a bit TOO casual?!?...


  1. Anonymous5:07 AM

    In this case, I think nicely pressed scrubs with a clean white lab coat would be very intimidating to them.

    Whatever you choose, your focus will be on your paperwork and the points you will hit home. Good Luck today!

  2. You go Girl!!!!! That's awesome. Don't let them wear you down and intimidate you. I think that you have very clearly made your case.... but I still want to follow through with some of those other things I mentioned previously. ;)

  3. as long as the t-shirt doesn't have armpit stains you're good to go :)

  4. Uh, yeah, jeans & T a bit too casual. Do you have a nice pantsuit? It worked for Hilary! ;)

    Good luck!


  5. You don't need a power suit. You've got the power.

  6. Now I'd be more worried about a wardrobe malfunction if I dressed like CEO Barbie there. Do you think it's possible to sit down in a skirt that barely covers your girly bits? I think jeans and a button shirt or a sweater would be fine - maybe not the tshirt. :)

  7. I'm always scrambling for "special occasions": funerals, weddings, baptisms, office Christmas parties (Bill's, not mine..) I do have a long, black short-sleeved dress that has a tasteful floral pattern. With some smoke and mirrors I can make it look like a new outfit each time. Sadly I've been doing this for about 6 years! LOL.

    How about a barrel and some suspenders? Maybe then they'll get the picture.

    Good luck.

  8. Tag, you're it if you want to participate. Hope things look up for you soon.
    Hugs, Weeble Girl

  9. you go girl!!! they should be quaking in their boots no matter what you wear!

  10. Just don't go as Malibu Barbie for Pete's sake! OMG!

  11. I say wear what's comfortable, but make sure your T-shirt is POWER color red! That's all the extra "psyc" power ya need. It's really all have you carry yourself: confident, polite and firm -- go gettum girl
