Sunday, October 05, 2008

Updates And Changes To The Blog Roll...

Only because Lisa, over at Brass And Ivory , inadvertently SHAMED me to death, have I FINALLY worked my way through the "Links To 128 MS Blogs (to suck your time)" over there. If you are an anal reader of CHEESE, you have already picked up on the numerical change in the link...yes, that's right...just yesterday it said 131! Well, I've done some necessary editing, weeding out blogs that no longer exist, AND adding some new ones. Here's the list...

I removed (either because the blog is gone or the link is broken):

A Blessed Mess

A New Beginning

Angst On A Shoe String


H, H, and H


Multiple Sclerosis Blog

Multiple Sclerosis::Main Page

One Life

Sharing Our Days

Shift In Action

The Jaws Of My Life

The Ramblings Of An Idle Brain

What MS Is To Me

Now, if you are the AUTHOR of one of those blogs and you've somehow been removed in error or changed your link, send ME a link so I can update you and re-add you back to the mix.

I have added new (and some that have been around a while) blogs:

Interestingly enough, one must be "invited" to read It's Not All In My Head-It's In My Spinal Cord A Little Bit Too and Jenn's Journey With MS . I don't think I've made it on that "invite" list, but maybe YOU have!

So, if you run across MORE MSers out there in the blogosphere that I've missed in this list, please drop me a line (best to tell me in an email as I sometimes don't get back to comments) and I will happily add them, too!


  1. Okay, you've shamed me into checking my long list, too! I've been avoiding that time-sucking effort. I get so caught up in all the cool stuff that is out there then I can't watch football or food network. Sigh...

  2. oooh...more blogs to check out!!!!

  3. Hey, don't blame me!!! Now I should compare our lists to see if anybody's been overlooked.

    My blog roll resides at MS Bloggers.

  4. I'm just laughing at the "invite-only" blogs! I see what you mean...

  5. I've come across those "invite" only blogs and I'm not on the list of the invited either... :(

  6. Please don't forget my new fledgling blog, such as it is.

