Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Magically Funny...

I wish I had something I could pull out of my, ah...HAT...that would even remotely resemble "funny"...but alas...I am simply too tired to find humor in much these days. I'm even having trouble updating the 131 Blog Link List over there that Lisa of Brass & Ivory so graciously left comment about in the previous post...just can't seem to find the strength to sit at the computer and THINK.

I've almost completed putting away the STACKS of things unloaded from my car after the MS150 weekend...almost. I think I wore myself out working and trying to prepare for the event and now I pay the price...drooling on the couch and unable to formulate one complete thought!

I resumed my battle cry with Club Med regarding the cost of my Tysabri infusions on Tuesday...have to always keep them on THEIR toes lest they forget I mean business. And I taught a half day class on Monday at what felt like a completely unprepared circumstance. My speech remains "halting", which is concerning me, and my left leg continues to remain "heavy"...log-like...unforgiving. And...I'm tired.

So on THAT note, I think I'll retire to my bed and try to regain some of the sleep I've misplaced over the past month. Here's hoping tomorrow I wake up LAUGHING!...


  1. Sleep well, my dear.

    The thing that came to mind upon reading "magically funny" was....

    Lucky Charms - They're Magically Delicious!!

  2. Well sounds like your a busy lady, no wonder you're so tired! Hope you slept well and you awake smiling if not laughing!

  3. Tomorrow may be too soon there Toots! Your body is in real need of love, kindness and tenderness. so give it a REST already, don't cha?!

    While YOU THINK you are the Little Engine that Could (I think I can, I think I can, I know I can) pulling seven passenger cars and seven freight cars packed full of fragile electronics -- your last seven freight cars packed with furniture and its cabose you've already lost to MS. To KEEP on the WATCH BABE! MS is slowly flipping each train track switch life puts before you to try to permanently DERAIL you.
    PUll back, slow down so you have enough steam to stay on track!

  4. Get some sleep, warrior princess!

  5. I am right there with you. My creativity is lacking, I'm exhausted, motion sick and achy. I need sleep and a break from kids.

  6. Let sleeping cheese lie, is what I always say.

    Shhhhhhhh!! Don't wake the cheese until she's *cured* enough...

    Just like wine (or is it "whine?") cheese gets better with age.

    Take it easy already, will ya?

    If you want a laugh, come over to my place later after I post about the stupid thing I did yesterday.

    It's sure to cheer you up. :-D

  7. as always, i leave your site with a smile. and that is what i come for.

    keep brain-cheese-ing.

  8. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Where have I heard this before... Lumpy tired leg, lack of creative motivation, unable to find humor in things you normally would have, lost interest in activities you would have found happiness in at an earlier time, and desire to pull a rabbit out of your anal region-
    oh yes. those are side effects of diarreah! I think you can get a doctor to give you like, morphene, or medical marijuana for something like that.
