Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Press From Across The Pond...And A Few Other "Important" Pieces Of Information...

I just finished reading Sara/Garnet's Adventures blog ( http://garnetslifeadventures.blogspot.com/ ) from across the Atlantic, and she has posted a little tidbit about Saint EB's BIKACIDE ride (thanks, Sara!). I immediately sent an email to Saint EB to let her know the "Brits" may be getting in on the betting...I mean the DONATING toward her ride (but seriously...for all you gambling type folks...I really AM putting my money on my "rider" in spite of her recent crash and hyperventilation over the hills!). Oh, the wonders of the Internet...

The more depressing, yet highly "titillating" news of my life has been the Yo-Yo weight effect I have been experiencing since beginning the "training" process for Saint EB's BIKACIDE. Yes, I have not been entirely truthful with you, loyal Cheese reader...I managed to LOSE NINE POUNDS over the course of the past 3 weeks of exhaustive walking/exercising. Say WHOOT?!?

Yes, I have been secretly harboring a self-indulging goal of trying to LOSE THE MASSIVE STEROID WEIGHT GAIN I managed to accumulate in the past 3-4 years...like about 25 pounds worth! Since I have been feeling sooooo good physically from the Novantrone, I decided I had no more excuses to carry around this enormous "steroid pregnancy" I have been toting in my gut. And I "neglected" to say anything here on BrainCheese (OK...that's a lie...I deliberately WITHHELD this information!) because I wanted to have an out should I fail.

But now I must confess...a double confession really. I DID lose 9 pounds since late May...and I felt really GOOD about that. Unfortunately, the SLACKING FAIRY sprinkled carbohydrate crumbs on my forehead in my sleep over the weekend, and I...well...I indulged on things like Fish 'N Chips, pop, and an assortment of other CRAP items! So, I have now GAINED 2 pounds of my hard-earned loss back...*sob*

Since "DOWNSIZE ME" was such a personal success (and ONLY because I disclosed the idea on this blog to keep me HONEST for 28 days!), I have decided to let all y'all in on my little secret...and of course, I will need your support (and punishment) to make my goal by the time of the MS150 ride. No, I'm STILL not stupid enough to sign up to ride in the BIKACIDE...but I DO have plans to "birth" this steroid weight out of me by the first week of September!

Off I go now to fix another dayumed salad for lunch (rabbit food), do my hand weights, and try to get ready for work BEFORE I actually need to be there today (unlike yesterday's alarm mishap)...*mumble, mumble, gripe, gripe*...


  1. Wow, congrats!! 9 pounds is HUGE!!! That's like a large baby! :)

    OK, sorry. Don't mean to be flip. Dieting is tough. (When I've used it) I've found nutridiary.com to be rather helpful in terms of tracking what I'm eating and keeping my caloric intake below the "required" level for my personal goals...

    Weight loss is HARD and sounds like you're doing great! My other "lesson learned" is that protein is the kicker: get enough protein in the morning for breakfast and you do better throughout the rest of the day... (or at least, I did.)

    OK, enough about dieting - I'm no expert. Don't beat yerself up too much about the carbs over the weekend: I firmly believe that we have to give in to those cravings, occasionally, or life ceases to become worth living.

  2. Wait ... rabbit food ... and you have been threatening to boil 'my' rabbit ... CANNIBAL!!!!

    That, you are the one leading the lupine invasion of my garden ... hmmm....

  3. Oh how exciting a map of the UK with a star just for me :)

    Glad to help when I can - it's hard being so far away from family/friends so I figured the least I could do was put a lil plug in about the ride.

    Congrats on the 9lbs - I reckon that's one baby right there. Maybe if you think about lossing X amounts of "babies" then it won't seem so daunting, baby steps like they say in What About Bob!

  4. If you ever want to really get a sense of the sheer magnitude of what you've done, go bowling and imagine carting around a 10lbs bowling ball on your gut. That's how much weight you've lost. That's AWESOME!!!

  5. Congratulations on your weight loss-you are forgiven your tryst with carbohydrates this weekend!

  6. ZEE:

    Hey! Thanks for the tips...fortunately, I'm not actually "dieting" in the sense I'm following some prescribed plan. I'm just trying to use my powers for good instead of evil and EXERCISE while eating a more healthful diet...it helps to have a friend in "training", too! LOL



    Moohahahaha...I bet you carried a lucky rabbit's foot as a kid, didn't you?!? It's Karma, Randy (from My Name Is Earl...TV show?!?)...LOL


  8. SARA:

    No, THANK YOU for giving the mention in YOUR blog! Baby steps...hmmmm...since I forgot to have children in this life time, I'm not sure I really know what "baby steps" are. LOL But I DO know the movie, "What About Bob?"...it's everyone's worst nightmare who works in psychiatry!!!


  9. SARA:

    No, THANK YOU for giving the mention in YOUR blog! Baby steps...hmmmm...since I forgot to have children in this life time, I'm not sure I really know what "baby steps" are. LOL But I DO know the movie, "What About Bob?"...it's everyone's worst nightmare who works in psychiatry!!!


  10. STEVE:

    Thanks for the encouragement...I think?!? LOL I'd rather think of it as a 10 pound bag of potatoes though...but there goes thoughts of carbohydrates again! LOL



    Thanks, Joyce...I was hoping I could count on you to "keep me in line" with my program. The voice of reality? LOL

