Saturday, April 14, 2007

Downsize Me Begins...

Wow! I've been missing from action for about 36 hours. I managed to finish the final inservice/teaching project at work on Thursday (**insert a big "WOOHOO" here please**), only to find myself completely debilitated AGAIN very early Friday morning by another headache...AKA, "migraine", as Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named has labeled it. It was that same pliers-squeezing-my-eyeball-pain in my left eye...THIS time, I also had numbness and a bit of a droop to the left side of my face! Talk about a happy Friday the 13th...

Fortunately, I'm a fairly quick study (sometimes) and decided around 2:00AM to start loading up on the narcotics. I finally fell back to sleep around 8:00AM and was able to doze off and on all day on Friday...the pain began letting up Friday evening. Dr. SWWNBN has decided to do yet ANOTHER MRI of my noggin, but I'm not sure what (if anything) she is looking for...she may just be checking to make sure I still HAVE a brain! I suppose since this "brain pain" is brand new, she might be checking for any changes afoot.

A few days ago, I wrote about possibly trying an experiment with myself being the sole was about cutting out the "Dew"/caffeine from my diet and seeing if there might be any significant and noticeable changes in my fatigue/sleep/blood pressure (and now headaches, I add). luck would have it, I was so miserable in pain and nauseated on Friday, I consumed NO caffeine whatsoever! So I decided now might be as good a time as any to get my project, "Downsize Me" under way...this should be interesting...LOL

I'm going to be tracking my fatigue, hours of sleep, weight, and blood pressure for the next 28 days as I eliminate ALL caffeine from my diet...I'm already CRAVING chocolate of all things! Of course this is completely subjective (and I'm sorry to say, most PHARMACEUTICAL STUDIES are, too...they'd just like to think they're not!) and will never be published in the annals of Neurology Today. LOL Woe is me...

As I weave (and maybe even heave) my way through the next 28 days, I'll be using BRAINCHEESE as a forum to document this "highly regarded study" always, I'll try to keep it entertaining if not down right riveting...(now I'M nearly wetting my pants laughing at that prospect!)

So, here's a little video I've prepared for you as the launch pad for "DOWNSIZE ME"...and just so you animals will be harmed in this study!
(Please forgive the typos in the video (like "heroine" instead of heroin, etc)...for the love of Gawd, I've been without caffeine so give me a friggin' break here!)


  1. Anonymous5:40 AM

    wow, great to see you back .You’re a tough cookie, what can I say ?? no caffeine ?? NO,NO NO!! The way I look at it ,I gave up so much in this life with MS of mine that giving up coffee would be the last drop in the glass of insanity LOL!!!
    Like they say , everything that’s good in life is either immoral, illegal or it makes you fat …Makes you think , yes ??? LOL!!!
    Anyway looking forward to your study …. (I’ll watch from distance ….)

  2. My neuro has warned me off the amount of caffeine I GP has warned me off the amount of caffeine I continence nurse has warned me off the amount of caffeine I drink...

    As I see it, the choice is continent but asleep, or wearing pads and awake. I'll go with awake!

  3. *passes adina a cup of coffee, sips her own and watches study with interest

  4. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Funky mango,
    Just what i needed....Is like you read my mind LOL!!!!

  5. Please let us know if you are able to have clear thoughts when you do without your coffee-for some of us, our needs for coffee is that basic! No caffeine, no cognition!

  6. More power to ya! If I decided to give up husband would probably file for divorce.

  7. ADINA:

    Hehe...I've done SO much immoral/illegal/fat-producing things, caffeine hardly seems fitting to include in those categories (but details will remain hidden!).

    It seems everyone will be "watching this from a distance"...probably the safest place to be anyway! LOL



    Hmmm...that's quite a choice you have there! I commend you for your decisiveness...LOL

    Funny thing is, NO ONE has told me to stop taking in caffeine...I'm punishing myself!



    Definitely I it or not, my every FART is documented on this blog!



    Who knows? I may be divorcing MYSELF before this is over...28 days is a VERY LONG time...LOL

